This is the lil boy that climb the wall
and this is the coat and boot he always wears
he's going out to have some fun
now as the sun grew very hot
he lay down underneath a tree
and went to sleep as you may see :D
after taking a nap then he went back
and try to accomplish what he started
he's taking a place and do warm up
we will see how good he is
how strong his legs, arms, his heads and toes are
and he did it,...he passes the test
well done my lil lion boy :D
How's a goin' Dastan
I miss you so much
papah selalu mendukung apapun yang ingin Dastan lakukan disana
it's OK to oppose certain things but doing that in polite manner (lakukan dengan cara-cara yang baik dan benar ya Nak)
papah selalu berdoa semoga Dastan tumbuh menjadi anak yang memiliki kredibilitas dalam segala hal
tumbuhlah menjadi seseorang yang berilmu dan critical thinkers,...taat dan patuhlah kepada orang-orang yang telah mengajarkan nilai-nilai kebaikan kepada Dastan
Dukungan papah selalu ada untuk Dastan and may your day full of smiles :D
-love you as always CHAMPION-
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