Dear Aussie, thanks for such a life-changing grand adventure eye opening can't hardly wait for my next epic story I've learned how to be grateful for where I'm ALHAMDULILLAH Perisher (snowy mountain) Luna Park my best experience ever (sky dive) Wollongong Danielle, Kerry, Christine, aku, Rocky, Rodney (Drake International) mereka ini adalah teman2 pertamaku di Sydney ( Cristine and Rocky dari New Zaeland dan sisa nya adalah tmn2ku dari Sydney) Lone Pine Brisbane (2013) Morriset Park Sydney (2014) with my executive chef Tommy Kime,...first name nya sama :D aku, Elai, Alex and Duncan (Nomad) Graduation (Adv Accounting) lecture aku yang orang paling banyak membantuku untuk segala urusan ku di kelas I've been blessed to always have good people around me (Nomad) Luna Park Sydney Brisbane Museum (2...
Life is meant to be lived; cherish the exciting moments, and relish in those all too brief moments of relaxation. I am here to live my own life and live it passionately,...I see my DREAMS one by one